CATEL is a French group created in October 1997. It has become a network of more than 20 000 contacts concerned by telemedicine and eHealth (practitioners, firms, associations, institutions, and labs). In response to the diverse needs of eHealth stakeholders, CATEL offers many opportunities and services through its three business segments : Expertise:
- Help assembling collective response files to calls for projects or help assembling funding files,
- Specialist expertise and evaluation of projects or files, enabling decision making,
- Analysis of the needs, state of play, surveys, in a specific area or in a given area and drafting of a specification, Strategic support for the launch of new eHealth activities, tools and services,
- Collective lobbying actions,
- Support for developing uses,
- Studies and analyses (regulations, finances, methods, etc…)
- Organization of French delegation trips abroad,
- Hosting of foreign delegations,
- Specialist oversight: dissemination of Newsletters and articles,
- Publications: publishing of guides, themed files in collaboration with actors from the network, eHealth White Paper, Telehealth Booklets,
- Training and Interventions, organization of e-learning sessions.
- Organization of conferences and large video-conferencing congresses associating up to 25 cities, on specialist-themed days
- Setting up and organizing expert theme meetings on demand,
- Leading of networking actions,
- Assistance in organizing video conferencing events and meetings on request.