Smart Bear
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Smart Bear
27 Project Partners from 10 EU countries are committed to disseminate the Project results all across Europe
SMART BEAR was showcased by Dr. Razvan Ioan Trascu from the Ana Aslan International Foundation (ANA) as part of the “Enhancing Active Aging Through CIP: Building Resilient Infrastructures ...
SMART BEAR: The delivery of smart medical devices by the Peloponnese Region has begun
The Region of Peloponnese started the delivery of smart health devices of the latest technology, in the framework of the European program SMART BEAR. The ...
SMART BEAR: at the Salon des Seniors in Rennes
The Catel team was pleased to be present with the technical partner StreamVision on a Smart Bear stand at the Salon des Seniors in Rennes. ...
SMART BEAR project, the inclusion phase begins in France!
SmartBear is a European research project aimed at supporting the autonomy of seniors through the use of connected devices, whose anonymized data is transmitted to ...
SMART BEAR: The Portuguese pilot made an appearance on a live talk-show and news programme
The Portuguese pilot made an appearance on a live talk-show and news programme that has a large audience, the Madeira Viva, to disseminate the project ...
SMART BEAR: The project’s visibility is increasing rapidly in Portugal.
The project’s visibility is increasing rapidly in Portugal. Today an article from SMARTBEAR and the MADEIRA DIGITAL HEALTH INITIATIVE was published in a national newspaper ...