July 26, 2023 – Milan, Italy
Venue: Sala Napoleonica
Join us at the H2020 project SMART BEAR’s information day to explore the latest healthcare challenges. Attend presentations and discussions by experts from the Health&Care cluster of the European Commission and from well- known independent experts. Topics include AI development, healthcare standards, interoperability, innovation, and collaboration.
Learn from leading experts, network with colleagues, and stay updated on AI, standards, and interoperability in healthcare.

Free registration
Opening and Introduction
Elio Franzini (University of Milan, Rector), Maria Pia Abbracchio (University of Milan, Vice-rector), Christoph L Klein (European Commission, Project Officer), Claudia Moneta (Regione Lombardia, General Director for family, social solidarity, disability and equal opportunities), Giuseppe De Pietro (Smart Bear Coordinator)
Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare. State-of-play in the EC H&C cluster, future perspectives
- Paolo Ceravolo, Data-driven analytics in healthcare: the Smart Bear approach (SMART BEAR)
- Eleftheria Iliadou, TeleRehabilitation of Balance clinical and economic Decision Support System (TeleRehaB DSS)
- Stavros Milioulis, Early Dynamic Screening for Colorectal Cancer via Novel Protein Biomarkers Reflecting Biological Initiation Mechanisms (DIOPTRA)
- Ioannis Kakkos, Multi-Pillar Framework for children anti-obesity behaviour building on an EU biobank, micro-moments and mobile recommendation systems (BIO-STREAMS)
- Stefano Silvestri, Cyber Threat Analysis Using Natural Language Processing for a Secure Healthcare System (AI4HealthSec)
Panel: Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare. Future perspectives
Moderator: Ernesto Damiani (University of Milan)
Panelists: Maria Pia Abbracchio (University of Milan), Fabio Blandini (IRCCS Fondazione Policlinico), Vittorio Calaprice (European Commission)
Healthcare Interoperability. FAIR-compliant data for reuse: how to encourage the sharing of healthcare data
Keynote: Andrea Filippi (MD, Department of Clinical, Surgical, Diagnostic and Pediatric Sciences, University of Pavia, Italy)
- Luigi Gallo, Ioannis Basdekis, Smart Bear for citizens (SMART BEAR)
- Tuncay Namlı, Standards-based Health Data Interoperability Pipeline for AI/ML (AICCELERATE)
- Ioannis Kouris, heaRt failurE paTient managEment and iNTerventIOns usiNg continuous patient monitoring outside hospitals and real world data (RETENTION)
- Carlos Agostino, Citizen centred interoperable health and wellbeing for personalised health (Smart4Health)
- Eliot Salant, Privacy Aware Framework (PAF) of HEIR (HEIR)
Large-scale piloting of novel ICT solutions in Europe. Challenges and opportunities
Moderators: Eleftheria Iliadou, Athanasios Bibas (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)
- Luiza Spiru, Smart Bear clinical challenges and opportunities (SMART BEAR)
- Michalis Smyrlis, Heir: healthcare pilots (HEIR)
- Gokce B.Laleci Erturkmen, An integrated care platform supported with clinical decision support services for management of chronic diseases (ADLIFE)