The Ana Aslan International Foundation (ANA), is a non-profit Research, Education and high-profile medical services organization, with special expertise in Aging and Brain Aging.

Its mission is to integrate scientific progress into the medical and social practice of elderly care. This is achieved through promoting the holistic, integrated and personalized approach of aging, brain aging and related pathologies. Furthermore, the ANA has expanded its expertise in the field of applied ICT technologies for frail and dependent elderly, so that it not only helps prevent the aging related pathologies but promotes an active and healthy aging.

Between 2010-2013 more than 3,500 Specialists & Nurses graduated the Brain Aging Project – the largest educational program (national coverage) aimed at promoting a modern, integrated multidisciplinary and “doctor-nurse team” approach towards the correct evaluation and early interventions in the neurodegenerative diseases (a 5 mill Euro Operational Program financed project coordinated by ANA).

In the past 10 years, ANA has accumulated extensive research, management and innovative experience as Medical Partner and Pilot Site in EU Funded Project within FP6-IST-STREP (K4CARE and SHARE-it) and AAL- Active and Assisted Living (MobileSage, CONFIDENCE, Mobile.Old, CarerSupport, StayActive, MyMate, SeniorTV, TSBank, PETAL, IOANNA, Ella4Life, VirtuAAL, frAAgiLe, POSITIVE). ANA has also been involved in important and prestigious networking, sharing best practices and patient’s support projects (Ageing Well, LivWell and E-No-Falls).

Referring to the medical expertise of our organization, ANA delivers preventive, predictive and personalized medical services in the field of aging and ageing-related pathology, especially from the brain-aging perspective, through its Centre for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Memory Impairment Diseases and through its close cooperation with the Clinical Department of Geriatrics-Gerontology and Old Age Psychiatry from the Elias University Hospital, headed by Prof. Dr. Luiza Spiru. ANA also initiated and accomplished several important clinical trials especially related to the epidemiology, risk factors and new therapies for AD patients, either within the EADC (European Alzheimer’s Disease Consortium –, or as an independent clinical site. More than 6,500 patients have been evaluated, diagnosed and treated within the medical facilities of ANA in the last 15 years.
